Aline Seiler

Jumping over the edge

Aline SeilerComment
jumping up

The trigger

A few weeks ago, we moved from Austria back to Germany and I started my new job. It was in the same field (online marketing) as I have worked in before. But something just didn't feel right. It was not only the way things were handled in the new company which didn't meet my expectations on the quality of my own work. It was a feeling deep down, that I was meant to do something else.

I was so afraid of doing this over the past years. This was my dream right, but would I ever be able to let go of my fears? My oh so German attitude towards financial security, my pension and my income in general? Dreaming about doing something for so long is one part of the deal but then actually deciding to go all in is a whole new world.

Dobby is a free elf now

I feel great. Ever since I made the decision to quit this new job, leave all my fears about security behind and just focus on my dream I feel calm. I haven't felt so relaxed and calm in years. Just because I know it's the right time (even though I didn't think it was the right time 4 weeks earlier) to follow my dream and put all my energy into building this label. 

I get up in the morning knowing that I can use all my time and energy on making this happen ,improving my skills, developing my existing designs and just living it means the world to me.

My cheerleaders

I feel so much love and support nowadays from my close friends and family to people I haven't seen or spoken to in years. I have received orders from friends from university that are super supportive and make me feel so blessed. 

Thank you everyone for your support from day one! I couldn't feel any more believed in right now.

It's up to you

What I have learned on this journey so far is that all these inspirational quotes on Instagram lead you nowhere unless you take them and put them into action. I started with taking baby steps making leatherworking my hobby, trying to learn the skills I needed so that I can design and make products of high quality and value. It took me more than 3 years from the first time I told my girls about this dream to jumping all in today. 


